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The Shop Wisdom of D. E. Johnson

By Deene Johnson

Mill-drill Adventures stand out as the single most popular series to have run in the early years of The Home Shop Machinist magazine. From Fixing Up the Downfeed to Indexing and Drilling, life got easier for new mill-drill machine owners.
Hardbound. 228 pages.


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The Shop Wisdom of James McKnight

By James McKnight

James began writing articles for The Home Shop Machinist and Machinist's Workshop magazines in 1991 and continues to share his expertise with Village Press publication readers. His clever, shop-built machine tools for both metal and woodworking have stood the test of time and delighted readers for nearly two decades.


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The Shop Wisdom of Jesse Livingston

By Jesse Livingston

Metal casting and foundry work, two 1-1/2" scale steam locomotives, three unusual steam-powered engines, and more! Make Jesse your mentor.
Hardbound. 180 pages.


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The Shop Wisdom of Philip Duclos

By Philip Ducolos

These pleasurable projects for the skilled machinist are also great learning projects for the beginner. You'll recognize Phil's designs at model engineering shows worldwide.
Hardbound. 214 pages.


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The Shop Wisdom of Rudy Kouhoupt Volume 2

By Rudy Kouhoupt

Twenty-five more micro machining articles -- all excellent! -- plus an Engraving Pantograph, an Oscillating Clyinder Engine, an Air-cooled Hot Air Engine, and more. Lasting testament to Rudy's skill, ingenuity, and wisdom both as a metalworker and modeler. Contains invaluable tools and clever hobby projects, concisely described, beautifully photographed, and impeccably drawn.
Hardbound. 230 pages.


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The Shop Wisdom of Rudy Kouhoupt Volume 3

By Rudy Kouhoupt

Build a flywheel pump, Stirling-powered tractor, or "Little Job" cement mixer. Make your own lathe collets, magnetic lathe chuck, mechanical stroboscope, and much more! Rudy is back with a third indespensable, incomparable book of machining tools, techniques and projects! This is a dazzling compilation of Rudy's more recent articles appearing in The Home Shop Machinist and The Live Steam magazines.
Hardbound. 236 pages.


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Truing Your Action and Installing a New Barrel DVD

By Steve Acker

Steve goes to work on the lathe and mill to make an accurate custom bolt action hunting rifle. The result is a fairly light, stable and reliable firearm. He demonstrates techniques for truing the bolt face and lugs, threading and crowning a new barrel, recutting the receiver threads, machining the recoil lug, and much more. 2 hours 30 minutes.


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Using Layout Tools DVD

By Rudy Kouhoupt

Often, getting underway on a project -- reading the drawings and doing the required markup on the metal -- can be the most challenging part. Rudy discusses every layout tool from his vast collection and demonstrates its function. He also gives you a detailed look at mechanical drawings and how to interpret them. This tape is a must for every novice machinist. 1 hour 30 minutes.
Watch a brief clip from the DVD.


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