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PIONEER: A Non-Compression Internal Combustion Engine DVD

By Rudy Kouhoupt

Rudy has designed and built this dynamic two-stroke cycle, open frame engine with poppet valves. The cams, valves, con rod and all moving parts are visible. It has no gears, and requires no castings. It runs on either Coleman lantern fuel or gasoline. Sparkplug ignition. Two DVDs (total nearly 4 hours) 12 sheets of accurate, full-sized drawings, bill of materials and 7 sheets of outline and commentary are included.
>Watch a brief clip from the DVD.


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Projects 10

Projects Ten features articles from the years 2001 and 2002. This edition features 14 Techniques, 12 Lathe Accessories, 6 Milling and Drilling Machine Accessories, 10 Shop Improvement Articles, 3 Hobby Projects, and 2 Research for Mastery Articles. The new Research for Mastery section features George Genevro and Doug Kelley. Genevro discusses the Continental A-40 Aircraft Engine and Kelley shares his Notes on Building a Nine-Cylinder Radial Aircraft Engine.
Hardbound. 200 pages.


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Projects 11

The newest volume in the Projects Series features articles from the years 2003 and 2004. This edition contains 14 Techniques, 10 Lathe Accessories, 5 Milling and Drilling Machine Accessories, 11 Shop Improvement Articles, 3 Hobby Projects, and 1 Quest for Mastery Article. Hardbound. 272 pages.


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Projects 4

Edited by Joe D. Rice

Reprinting the years 1987, 1988, and 1989, Projects Four is a comprehensive volume containing many different articles to suite any reader, with 21 Technique Articles, 15 Lathe Accessories, 2 Drill Press Accessories, 4 Mill Accessories, 4 Shop Improvement Articles, 5 Foundry Articles, and 3 Hobby Projects. Duane Dehnicke's Sentinel engine is sure to delight any hobby machinist, and the Foundry section will help you expand your metalworking capabilities!
Hardbound. 200 pages.


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Projects 6

Edited by Joe D. Rice

Reprinting the years 1992, 1993, and 1994, Projects Six is one of our largest volumes! Inside, you'll find 17 Technique Articles, 2 Drill Press Accessories, 9 Lathe Accessories, 8 Milling Machine Accessories, 8 Shop Improvement Projects, and 1 Hobby Project. Some of the highlights of this edition include John Snyder's "Wood Carving Machine," Michael Hoff's "Simple Indexing Rotary Table," and Richard Torgerson's "Quick-change Tool Post System."
Hardbound. 240 pages.


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Projects 7

Edited by Joe D. Rice

With issue years 1989 through 1996 contained in its pages, Projects Seven will add 6 years of The Home Shop Machinist to your book shelf! Projects Seven is also the only place where you will find Roland Friestad's first four CNC articles - the ones he wrote before his "Computers in the Shop" column. Of course, manual machining is the focus of Projects Seven, with 21 Techniques, 7 Lathe Accessories, 5 Milling Machine Accessories, 12 Shop Improvement Articles, and 4 Hobby Projects.
Hardbound. 200 pages.


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Projects 8

Compiled by Neil Knopf and edited by Clover McKinley

After an eight year break, the Projects series returned with Projects Eight, reprinting issues from 1997 through 2000. Headlined by Marsh Collins' "Building Your Own Shaper" article and Walter B. Mueller's "Quorn Tool and Cutter Grinder" article, Projects Eight features 19 Technique Articles, 10 Lathe Accessories, 5 Milling and Drilling Machine Accessories, 15 Shop Improvement Projects, and 2 Hobby Projects.
Hardbound. 200 pages.


In Stock


Projects 9

Compiled by Craig Foster and edited by Neil Knopf

With such articles as Richard Butterick's "Tapping Machine" and Jeffrey Maier's "Free Pendulum Clock," Projects Nine is a winner! Collecting issues originally printed in 2000 and 2001, Projects Nine features 8 Techniques, 3 Lathe Accessories, 2 Milling and Drilling Machine Articles, 12 Shop Improvement Articles, and 3 Hobby Projects.
Hardbound. 200 pages.


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Rudy's Model Steam Tractor

By Rudy Kouhoupt

Rudy's Model Steam Tractor will reprint, for what we believe to be the first time, Rudy's Case-style traction engine project that was originally published in Popular Mechanics magazine. The drawings in this book were hand drawn by Rudy himself, and have been only gently enhanced using a modern CAD program, allowing them to retain their original craftsman's touch.
Spiralbound. 80 pages.


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Steam & Stirling - Engines You Can Build - Book 1

Edited by William C. Fitt

Book one offers complete drawings and building instructions for 12 engines, including the very popular quarter-size Rider-Ericsson Hot Air Pumping Engine and a V-4 Oscillating Cylinder Engine (and boiler).
Hardbound. 160 pages.
Best Value: Steam & Stirling Set - 4 Books


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Steam & Stirling - Engines You Can Build - Book 2

Edited by Joe D. Rice

Book two features 18 steam engines, 4 Stirling hot air engines, a Reversing Duplex, and the Tesla Turbine, plus boiler work and related topics.
Hardbound. 200 pages.
Best Value: Steam & Stirling Set - 4 Books


In Stock


Steam & Stirling - Engines You Can Build - Book 4

Steam & Stirling Engines You Can Build, Book 4 features over 200 pages of projects and related discussion pulled from the pages of Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading and The Home Shop Machinist magazines between 2003 and 2009. You will find eight steam engines, four Stirling hot air engines, and more. A wealth of information and the perfect addition to your shop's library.
Hardbound 211 pages
Best Value: Steam & Stirling Set - 4 Books


In Stock


Tesla Turbine and other Engines

By Jeff Maier

The Tesla Turbine, Two-cylinder Uniflow Engine, Terry Turbine, and the Horizontal Uniflow Engine were originally published in the pages of The Home Shop Machinist and Live Steam and Outdoor Railroading. Now see them collected in this gorgeous volume!
Hardbound. 184 pages.


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The Electromechanical Arts of Weston Bye

By Weston Bye

Stories fromThe Mechatronist
21 projects fill this book, detailed drawings and full color photos are abundant. Wes's projects are fresh, contemporary -- using CNC as well as traditional machining methods.
Build a Magnetic Gear Clock, Convert a Micro Mill to CNC, Add a Quartz Movement timepiece, a Programmable Sequence Controller, a Glockenspiel....and much more.
224 Pages, 8 1/2 x 11. Hardcover.


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The Engines of Doug Kelley

Are you looking for a project to challenge your skills? Featuring four model engines from one of premier model engineers of our time, including never-before-published Nash engine. 120 page book is ring bound for workshop ease. Even if building a model engine is on "someday" list, you'll enjoy viewing Kelley's skilled craftsmanship.


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The Home Shop Readers' Tip Book 1

Valuable metalworking tips from knowledgeable participants in the forums on The Home Shop Machinist website. From the experts who are willing to share - lathe tips, milling tips, shop tips of all kinds...
Softbound. 52 pages.


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The Home Shop Readers' Tip Book 2

From the Past and Present! A number of our favorite tips from the "Chips & Sparks" column in The Home Shop Machinist have been blended with tips from current visitors to the Home Shop Machinist website.
Softbound. 52 pages.


In Stock


The Machinist's Second Bedside Reader

By Guy Lautard

The Machinist's Second Bedside Reader takes up where basic texts on machine shop practice leave off. It tells you, in a comfortable, easy-reading style, many old and obscure tricks of the trade; helps you get things done better, faster, and easier in your shop; shows you how to make a number of useful shop tools, and introduces you to areas of metalworking you many never have thought of before.
Like the first book, the Second Bedside Reader is filled with more hints, tips, and projects. It contains full plans for:

  • an elegant between-centers boring bar
  • a poor man's jig borer
  • an overhead drive for your milling spindle
  • a toolpost fixture for rounding the ends of small parts
  • a fixture for cutting multiple-start threads
  • a simple shop-made sine bar and sine fixture for your milling machine
  • ..... and much more!
    Also included in full is "The Bullseye Mixture," Guy's story about precision metalworking, rifle making, friendship, and the recipe for case hardening that may not be the only Bullseye Mixture in life.
    Paperback, 277pages.


    In Stock


The New Spruce Forge Manual of Locksmithing

The New Spruce Forge Manual of Locksmithing: a Blacksmith's Guide to Simple Lock Mechanisms is a totally revised and expanded version of the original work from 1999. This manual explains, in step-by-step color photos and mechanical drawings how to construct, using forging and benchwork, 14 different types of antique-style locks and keys.
Making blacksmith locks is an age-old skill the authors of this manual are helping to preserve by passing on their knowledge to this book's readers. The New Spruce Forge Manual of Locksmithing is also an excellent introduction to benchwork. This manual will become a valuable, trusted and often referred to sourcebook in your blacksmithing library.
This new hardcover edition, at 304 pages and with more than 800 color photos and illustrations, is more than double the size of original manual.
Hardcover, 304 pages.


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The Shop Wisdom of D. E. Johnson

By Deene Johnson

Mill-drill Adventures stand out as the single most popular series to have run in the early years of The Home Shop Machinist magazine. From Fixing Up the Downfeed to Indexing and Drilling, life got easier for new mill-drill machine owners.
Hardbound. 228 pages.


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** US Pricing. Foreign pricing applied during checkout process.