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Another Day Afield

By Jake Smith

New Release! The Lost Branch Sportsman's Club - Jake Smith, Jon Osborn, Chris Smith, and Greg Frey - returns with more hunting, fishing and outdoor stories, where chasing game and fish becomes more of a search for those moments that make us who we are and teach us how to escape from the expansion of a wild-less world.
Soft Cover. 150 pages.


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Northwest of Someplace: Stories from Roads Less Traveled. Volume I

By Jake Smith

An anthology of hunting, fishing, and outdoor stories from four authors who have been there. The members of the Lost Branch Sportsman's Club share their stories of days in the woods and on the water of (mostly) Michigan chasing big game, small game, trout, panfish, or simply being outdoors, where success doesn't come through bag limits and competition, but by being present. Authors include PDJ/RJ/JL editor Jake Smith, and frequent contributors Jon Osborn, Chris Smith, and Greg Frey.
Soft Cover. 120 pages.


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