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A Wingshooter's World - Volume II

Stunning photographs and lyrical text by authors who have been there and have seen and experienced what the best wingshooting destinations in the world have to offer. Full-color oblong 8 1/2" x 11" coffee-table book.
South Georgia for quail; Uruguay for perdiz, pigeons, and ducks; Mexico for whitewing doves; Maine for fly-in ruffed grouse and woodcock; Nebraska for pheasants and prairie chickens
Best Value: A Wingshooter's World Set


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A Wingshooter's World - Volume III

Stunning photographs and lyrical text by authors who have been there and have seen and experienced what the best wingshooting destinations in the world have to offer. Full-color oblong 8 1/2" x 11" coffee-table book.
Saskatchewan for Huns and sharptails; A Texas castle for mixed-bag upland shooting; Argentina for high-volume doves; Idaho for pheasants; Back to South Dakota for more ringnecks
Best Value: A Wingshooter's World Set


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A Wingshooter's World - Volume IV

Stunning photographs and lyrical text by authors who have been there and have seen and experienced what the best wingshooting destinations in the world have to offer. Full-color oblong 8 1/2" x 11" coffee-table book.
North Georgia for bobwhites; Montana for sharptails and pheasants; Kansas for pheasants; Kentucky for flighted mallards and an upland smorgasbord; Tanzania for guinea fowl, sand grouse, and francolin; Deveonshire, England, for driven pheasants
Best Value: A Wingshooter's World Set


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Agility Training for You and Your Dog: Backyard Fun to High-Performance Training

By Diane Goodspeed

Based on the positive training methods of Ali and Joe Canova, two of the top agility competitors in America, this book will get you and your dog started in agility training. This author makes it easy with ther step-by-step approach, footing diagrams and course illustrations, and beautiful full-color photographs.
256 Pages. Softcover.


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Anglers - 2025 Wall Calendar

Since its initial debut in 1975, Angler's has been the fly fisherman's favorite wall calendar. Twenty four vivid full color photographs feature game fish and worldwide fly fishing destinations. Also included are important hatch dates across North America.


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Another Day Afield

By Jake Smith

The Lost Branch Sportsman's Club - Jake Smith, Chris Smith, Jon Osborn, and Greg Frey - returns with more hunting, fishing and outdoor stories, where chasing game and fish becomes more of a search for those moments that make us who we are and teach us how to escape from the expansion of a wild-less world.
Soft Cover. 150 pages.


In Stock


Another Day Afield

By Jake Smith

New Release! The Lost Branch Sportsman's Club - Jake Smith, Jon Osborn, Chris Smith, and Greg Frey - returns with more hunting, fishing and outdoor stories, where chasing game and fish becomes more of a search for those moments that make us who we are and teach us how to escape from the expansion of a wild-less world.
Soft Cover. 150 pages.


In Stock


Another Day Afield

The Lost Branch Sportsman's Club - Jake Smith, Chris Smith, Jon Osborn, and Greg Frey - returns with more hunting, fishing and outdoor stories, where chasing game and fish becomes more of a search for those moments that make us who we are and teach us how to escape from the expansion of a wild-less world.
Soft Cover. 150 pages.


In Stock


Another Day Afield

By Jake Smith

New Release! The Lost Branch Sportsman's Club - Jake Smith, Jon Osborn, Chris Smith, and Greg Frey - returns with more hunting, fishing and outdoor stories, where chasing game and fish becomes more of a search for those moments that make us who we are and teach us how to escape from the expansion of a wild-less world.
Soft Cover. 150 pages.


In Stock


Appalachian Grouse Dog: A Boomer's Memoir

If you're a Baby Boomer, you'll love this thoughtful treatment about a grouse dog that changed his life. History, culture, hunting and a love affair you'll recognize
Hard Cover. 138 pages.


In Stock


Around the Next Bend

Join the Lost Branch Sportsman's Club one again... Every day afield holds something to discover. It could be a monstrous fish, a new grouse covert, a morning the ducks drop in to your call, a dog's first or last point, or the buck you've been waiting all season for. Or, it could be none of these, and it's simply time spent connected to the land and to others. Whatever the day might hold, there's something to appreciate, because you just never know what may be around the next bend.
Soft Cover. 165 pages.


In Stock


Around the Next Bend

Join the Lost Branch Sportsman's Club one again... Every day afield holds something to discover. It could be a monstrous fish, a new grouse covert, a morning the ducks drop in to your call, a dog's first or last point, or the buck you've been waiting all season for. Or, it could be none of these, and it's simply time spent connected to the land and to others. Whatever the day might hold, there's something to appreciate, because you just never know what may be around the next bend.
Soft Cover. 165 pages.


In Stock


Around the Next Bend

Join the Lost Branch Sportsman's Club one again... Every day afield holds something to discover. It could be a monstrous fish, a new grouse covert, a morning the ducks drop in to your call, a dog's first or last point, or the buck you've been waiting all season for. Or, it could be none of these, and it's simply time spent connected to the land and to others. Whatever the day might hold, there's something to appreciate, because you just never know what may be around the next bend.
Soft Cover. 165 pages.


In Stock


Around the Next Bend

Join the Lost Branch Sportsman's Club one again... Every day afield holds something to discover. It could be a monstrous fish, a new grouse covert, a morning the ducks drop in to your call, a dog's first or last point, or the buck you've been waiting all season for. Or, it could be none of these, and it's simply time spent connected to the land and to others. Whatever the day might hold, there's something to appreciate, because you just never know what may be around the next bend.
Soft Cover. 165 pages.


In Stock


Art of the Fly - 2025 Wall Calendar

Artist Paul Twitchell's oversized paintings of classic feathered nymph, streamer, and dry patterns affirms that form gracefully follows function in the deceptive art of fly tying.




Best Day Yet

By Ben O. Williams

A collection of Ben's true essays of outdoor activities and the folks of the Great High Plains. Rocky mountain memories of hunting, fishing, people, and places. The stories are all vintage Ben honest and heartfelt writing, instructive, and fun to read. These essays are about appreciating the land, enjoying the chase, conversations with outdoor folks, and kicking gravel with landowners. Meant to revive your memories of cherished experiences.
Soft Cover. 160 pages.


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Binder for Just Labs Magazines

Protect your copies of Just Labs with our high-quality binders. Handsome and durable 2-inch binder holds and protects one year (6 issues) for quick reference. Burgandy with gold lettering.


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Binder for The Retriever Journal Magazines

Protect your copies of The Retriever Journal with our high-quality binders. Handsome and durable 2-inch binder holds and protects six magazines - one full year for quick reference. Blue with silver lettering.


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Bird Dog Days

By Horace Lytle

If you are unfamiliar with this book, a treat awaits you. It is written in the straightforward, simple style that characterized most of Lytle's work, yet there is something about his approach that is enduring and attractive. You will find an excellent blend of practical knowledge and storytelling, spiced with reminiscences of memorable gun dogs.
Hardcover. 192 pages.


In Stock


Bird Dog Days Deluxe Edition

By Horace Lytle

If you are unfamiliar with this book, a treat awaits you. It is written in the straightforward, simple style that characterized most of Lytle's work, yet there is something about his approach that is enduring and attractive. You will find an excellent blend of practical knowledge and storytelling, spiced with reminiscences of memorable gun dogs.
Hardcover, Leather 192 pages (slip cased).


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** US Pricing. Foreign pricing applied during checkout process.